About THK

We specialise in developing communication skills for children, whether they are already speaking or are yet to find their voice. We understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment that nurtures the strengths and abilities of neurodiverse children. By establishing this foundation, we pave the way for effective therapy and progress.

More About Us
FullY Trained

Qualified therapists

Our talented team of therapists complement each other and are all trained in the most recent and relevant research based practices for their fields. Go to Our Team for more information on our licences and accreditations.


Hybrid Way of Working

We offer clinical assessments and therapy sessions via our equipped offices in Unanderra, Wollongong. We also accommodate home visits, school visits and online consultations.


Complete Privacy

In accordance with NSW law all of your child's medical records and health information is kept safe and confidential.

We support NDIS

Book an initial consultation